Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Buffet System

"There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult." - Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is, unequivocally, the greatest stock market investor of all time.


  • No more wondering if NOW is the time to buy.
  • No more dissecting financial statements.
  • No more reading endless analyst reports.
  • No more listening to the contradicting stock gurus on TV.
  • No more sweating over the slightest price moves your stock undergoes.
  • No more questioning whether or not you made THE RIGHT DECISION.

But how could this be? How could something so simple produce such phenomenal results?

I asked the same questions and found the answers in Buffett's own words of wisdom:

"Success in investing doesn't correlate with I.Q. once you're above the level of 25. Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing." - Warren Buffett

"If Calculus or Algebra were required to be a great investor, I'd have to go back to delivering newspapers." - Warren Buffett

"There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult." - Warren Buffett

The Buffett System was created by first uncovering and analyzing Buffett's writings dating all the way back to 1951. Special attention was paid to the specific reasons Buffett gave for each of his buy and sell decisions.

Next, Buffett's actual stock purchases were analyzed with special attention given to viewing these decisions only with the information that would've been known prior to the purchases. What did Buffett see? What was he looking for?

Then came the thorough examination of literally thousands of pages of Buffett interviews, articles, and books - always looking for new nuggets of information to provide insight into the mind of Buffett.

And finally, based on the advice of Buffett himself, all the influential mentors and authors who made an impact on Buffett's investment philosophy were studied.

Here's the Buffet System (Click Here!)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Five Ways to Become Wealthy

Getting Rich Your Own WayBy: Brian Tracy

The Five Roads to Financial Success in America and How to Choose Your Own

There are basically five ways that you can become wealthy starting with nothing in America based on over 25 years of research into American millionaires. Number one, you can inherit it. Less than 10 percent of wealthy Americans inherited any of their money, and it's less and less every single year.

The Second Way

The second way that you can become wealthy is you can achieve it professionally. You can become a doctor or a lawyer or an architect or an accountant. You can become extremely good at what you do, be paid very well, and hold on to the money.

The Third Way

The third way you can achieve it is you can become a senior executive of a large corporation. You can be highly paid; you can have stock options and bonuses. And if you stay with the company long enough, for enough years, you can be paid enough to become wealthy.

The Fourth Way

You can win it. But only a tiny fraction of one percent of wealthy Americans got that way by winning their money some way or another. As a matter of fact, the odds against you winning the lottery are the equivalent of lightning striking twice in the same place. They're millions and millions to one.

The Best Way

The fifth way that you can become wealthy is you can start your own business and earn it all by yourself. Starting your own business has been and will always be the high road to becoming wealthy for most self-made millionaires. Entrepreneurship in America offers more opportunities and opens more doors than all other possibilities put together. This is why it has been said that if you have the ability to start your own business and you don't do it, you are a fool. I'll repeat that. If you have the ability to start your own business and you don't do it, you're a fool.

Where do you start?

You start by getting your finances under control. The very first thing you do is you make a decision to get your finances under control. Some years ago, a man named George Classon wrote a book called The Richest Man in Babylon. It's a classic on financial success and what Classon said in that book was that the key to becoming wealthy is to pay yourself first. Take ten percent off your earnings, off your gross income every month and put it aside. Learn to live on ninety percent or less of your gross income. So the very first thing that you do is you begin to save your money.

Action Exercises

Now, here are two things you can do immediately to put yourself onto the high road to personal wealth:

First, resolve today to begin saving your money a little bit at a time. Set a goal to save 10% of your earnings, to put it away and to never touch it. This will change your life.

Second, immediately register your own business or sole proprietorship. Open a bank account, get business cards and letterhead and create the corporate entity under which you can do business. Your business opportunities will appear far sooner than you think. If you build it, they will come.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It Is a Challenge to Succeed

by Jim Rohn (excerpted from The Challenge to Succeed CD series)

It is a challenge to succeed. If it were not, I'm sure more people would be successful, but for every person who is enjoying the fruit from the tree of success, many more are examining the roots. They are trying to figure it all out. They are mystified and perplexed by what seems to be some strange, complex and elusive secret that must be found if ever success is to be enjoyed.

While most people spend most of their lives struggling to earn a living, a much smaller number seem to have everything going their way. Instead of just earning a living, the smaller group is busily engaged in designing and enjoying a fortune. Everything just seems to work out for them. While the much larger group sits in awe at how life can be so unfair, complicated and unjust.

"I am a nice person," the man says to himself. "How come this other guy is happy and prosperous, and I'm always struggling?" He asks himself, "I am a good husband, a good father and a good worker. How come nothing seems to work out for me? Life just isn't fair. I'm even smarter and willing to work harder than some of these other people who just seem to have everything going their way," he says as he slumps into the sofa to watch another evening of television. But you see you've got to be more than a good person and a good worker. You've got to become a good planner, and a good dreamer. You've got to see the future finished in advance.

You've got to put in the long hours and put up with the setbacks and the disappointments. You've got to learn to enjoy the process of disciplines and of putting yourself through the paces of doing the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable. You've got to be prepared and willing to attack the challenges if you want the success because challenges are part of success. Now that may sound like a full menu of activities, but let me assure you that the process of going from average to fortune isn't really all that difficult. Thinking about it is the difficult part. Anticipating all the effort and the changes and the disciplines is far worse in the mind than in reality. I can promise you that the challenges you'll meet on the road to success are far less difficult to deal with than the struggles and the disappointments that come from being average. Confronting and overcoming challenges is an exhilarating experience. It does something to feed the soul and the mind. It makes you more than you were before. It strengthens the mental muscles and enables you to become better prepared for the next challenge.

I've often said that to have more, we must first become more, and to become more, we must begin the process of working harder on ourselves than we do on anything else. But in addition to gathering new knowledge, new skills and new experiences; it is also important to discover new emotions. It is how we feel about what we know that makes the biggest difference in how our lives turn out. How we feel about the chances we have and the choices we have determines the intensity of our effort. Whether we try or don't try. Join or don't join. Believe or don't believe.

I'd like for you to discover some strong feelings about your life and about what you want to do with that life. You probably have much of the knowledge and a lot of the experience and perhaps most of the skills that it takes to become successful. What you may be lacking in are the strong feelings about what you want and what you want to do. You may be one of those who have become so involved in the process of earning a living that you've forgotten about the choices and the chances you have for designing your own life.

Let these strong feelings help you take a second look at your life and where you're headed. After all, you've only got one life, at least on this planet. So why not make it an adventure in achievement? Why not discover what all you can do and what all you can have? Why not discover how many others you can help and in the process how that can help you?

Why not now take the Challenge to Succeed!

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Entrepreneurial Challenge

The Dawn of Entrepreneurial Golden Age

The ideas that will make you immune from being one of those victims of this global large-business meltdown.

Hello, Vic Conant here,

This special report is timely, powerful, potentially profitable. If nothing else, what I'm about to tell you will open your eyes and give you X-ray vision into what is happening in the business world... and why most people are dead-wrong about it being a “crisis.”

Let me explain...

It was in 1991 that I first met Paul Zane Pilzer. He is one of the most fascinating economists of our time... and he is also one of the most widely respected business minds out there. Major players, from Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, to Anthony Robbins have personally relied on his money advice and solid business genius.

Paul is the author of nine bestselling books on the economy, and he is also a successful entrepreneur.

Paul made his first million early in his 20s, was an economic adviser to two presidents of the United States, and he has been regularly quoted and featured on the front pages in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and The New York Times.

Paul has an almost endless stream of credentials and business accomplishments that I could give you; I'll leave it at that.

78-Year-Old Economic Calculation That Never Fails Is Predicting the Best of Times, the Worst of Times

Today, I am going to share with you some rather shocking (and exciting) calculations that Paul has made recently... calculations based on a 78-year-old formula that not only won the Nobel Prize, but has proven to be deadly accurate, again and again.

Yes, there is no mistaking the accuracy of these numbers and what they mean for our future.

As I said, for some, these calculations spell out doom and gloom... for others, it is the advent of a brand-new “Golden Age” that will be the birthplace of a whole new generation of millionaires, billionaires, and seriously successful entrepreneurs that enjoy unprecedented levels of economic freedom and prosperity.

In fact, in the coming decade, more than 10 million new millionaires will be born and flourish.

10 million... Will you be one of them?

I'm going to show you how.

But let me be clear about one thing... Paul is not interested in the traditional “millionaire” business model, where you start off small and grow yourself a massive ball and chain, complete with tons of employees, massive overheads, and stifling transaction costs.

That model is dying and will soon be no more.

No, I’m talking about lean, robust, hyper-efficient business engines that not only give you the wealth you’re looking for, but the freedom that you haven’t found yet.

1931 Economic Paper Wins 1991 Nobel Prize for Successfully Predicting Large Company Growth to a Million-Plus Employees

A great deal of Paul's work as an economist the last 20 years has been analyzing the brilliant work of economist Ron Coase.

So, let me take you back in time to the 1930s.

In 1930 in London, England, Ron Coase was a young college student at the London School of Economics, studying entrepreneurship.

He found the stories of Horatio Alger, of Henry Ford, of Sloan who started GM, of David Sarnoff who started NBC quite amazing... how people from poverty backgrounds started these large industrial companies.

How could someone come from nowhere, have nothing, and create a corporation that literally changed the world and created billions in profits?

It was a question that drove him to travel to the USA to do some personal research.

What he found revolutionized the world because it became a business model for going from zero to massive business and profits. But, the model had a price, and it was the entrepreneur that typically paid it, as you'll see in a minute.

You'll also see why Ron Coase’s business model and numbers are still perfectly accurate, but technology has all but eliminated the heavy toll on the life of the entrepreneur... which is exciting news for you.

In 1931, Ron Coase authored a paper, “The Nature of the Firm.” This paper became the business manifesto of the time and won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1991.

What Made ‘The Nature of the Firm’ So Powerful?

In short, it outlined how transaction costs of disparate individuals trying to work together were driving people to give up working for themselves and become “wage slaves” to large corporations.

The solution was to create a massive corporation, where everything was under one roof.

You have to remember, in 1930, communication technologies didn't exist. Fax, email, phone, and computers were a thing of the distant future. Entrepreneurs like Henry Ford realized that if they wanted to make cars and other products rapidly and inexpensively, they needed all of their workers under one roof.

That’s why Henry Ford built the 16 million-square-foot River Rouge manufacturing plant, employing 100,000 workers. He needed to put raw ore in at one end and kick out a completed car at the other. And if something went wrong or changes needed to be made somewhere in the middle, people had to be able to quickly talk to each other. They couldn’t wait several weeks or months for the mail.

Now, why is this important to you?

Because without powerful communication technologies, the only option to make serious profits was to have a massive, huge corporation.

And to do that, entrepreneurs basically had to give up their freedom and always be on hand to coordinate with other workers.

That is why we had, or at least used to have until this year, companies like General Motors or AT&T with 1 million employees. They began in the days of high transaction costs, were forced to build massive, massive companies, and over the years just kept on doing business as usual.

But, have you noticed, things have been changing in the world over the past 80, haven’t they?

Yes, and especially in the past 15 years.

New Technologies Turn Ron Coase’s
Numbers Upside Down

About 15 years ago, Paul ran Ron’s numbers again, but this time he factored in things like the telephone, the fax machine, and the computer, which was just coming onto the business scene.

In those days, he raised a warning flag, that large companies were no longer needed as much. In fact, it might be possible to get just as much profit out of a company with half the employees by using these new technologies.

Last year, Paul ran the numbers again, this time factoring in things like text messaging, standardized manufacturing procedures, international standards, email, high-speed Internet, social networks, and super-fast computers that were on every desk and in virtually every entrepreneur's iPhone or Windows mobile device.

The numbers shocked him... and got him excited.

Understanding the New Business Model Can Make You Serious Profits, with More Freedom

Let me make a very simple comparision to illustrate what Paul saw...

In 2009, AT&T had 294,600 employees (down from 1,099,000 in 1984) about $120 billion in revenues, and a net worth of $142 billion.

The core business of AT&T has been around for about 130 years and still, in many respects, clings to the model that Ron Coase established in "The Nature of the Firm ."

In that same year, Google, a brand-new company, built on new technologies and, in many ways, a new business model, had 20,222 employees, about $21 billion in sales, and a net worth of $131 billion

But consider the difference in revenues and net worth generated per employee:

  • AT&T = $420,909 annual revenues and $482,009 total net worth per employee
  • Google = $1,077,813 annual revenues and $6.478 million total net worth per employee

What are we seeing here? We are seeing a drastic difference in revenues, transaction costs, and fundamental business model differences.

Again, what does any of this have to do with you?

Massive Corporate Layoffs Signal Your Golden Opportunity. Here ’s Why...

As you’re reading this... someone is out to eliminate your job. Another hopeful employee, an inventor, the business owner. All want to reduce overhead and increase profits.

Despite what the media is telling you, many large companies are not laying off people because of the bad economic times... people are being let go because of the technology shift.

That’s unemployment caused by what economists call structural unemployment.

A newer, better method comes along and people get pink slips. But companies still keep the output of their labor... either in a better method... a better organization chart... or a better machine.

If it’s not already happened to you, it’s not a question of IF... it’s only a question of WHEN your pink slip will be hand-delivered.

For you, the entrepreneur, it can actually be good news... if you understand how to start your own small business and rapidly take it to a profitable level.

The Core Entrepreneurial Challenge

For many, that is the challenge... how do you start a new business, and how do you quickly get it profitable? In just a minute, I'm going to share with you Paul’s solution to both of these entrepreneurial challenges.

But, for now, my strong advice to you is this: DO NOT WAIT to get laid off!

Take action now that will make you immune from the massive shift in business that is taking place right now.

Plus, if I know you, deep down you are longing for a chance to spread your wings and enjoy a life of wealth and freedom. Now is the time, my friend.

In fact, Paul’s new calculations prove that there has never been a better time to launch a new business.

Don’t Wait — Plan Your Escape on
Your Terms, Not Theirs

Did you know that nine out of 10 successful entrepreneurs leave their company when things are good? They don’t wait until times are tough. They don’t wait for the boss to drop the pink-slip bomb on them. They don’t wait for others to control their life.

They take action. They stay in control. They move when the opportunity is right, not when things are desperate.

Because of this, I’m encouraging you to plan your escape today, right now.

Remember, it’s only a matter of time before you’re forced out. Why? Because virtually every corporate job in America today is being constantly eliminated in favor of an easier, better, faster way of getting things done, using technology.

You really have no choice but to become an entrepreneur.

Here’s a chart showing what’s happening in corporate America today... the ballooning unemployment explosion just since February 2008... almost double-digits by June ’09.

Unemployment Rate

I know this chart doesn’t look that pleasant, but don’t look at it as a crisis... consider it as an inevitable trend toward the birth of new businesses.

What you ’re looking at is a business environment that is screaming out for new and innovative ways of doing things. The world is looking for new, faster, easier, and more effective ways to improve the quality of life we live and make more profit.

When you combine that with the rapid rise of new technologies that reduce or eliminate transaction costs, you see why Paul is calling this the “Dawn of the Entrepeneurial Golden Age.”

Discover the Keys to Cashing In on the Current Crisis

How can you cash in?

That’s where Paul comes in...

Paul has put together a totally unique program that will show you the right business for you, help you determine when the right time to get started is, and tell you exactly how you need to do it. His program will help you make that walk to your boss’s office you always dreamed about.

The Untold Story of Paul’s Business
Successes... and Failures

For almost three decades, Paul has been acclaimed as a world-famous author and global economist. His work and his photo have been featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal and numerous other publications.

But, until recently, no one but a handful of individuals ha ve been aware of Paul’s extensive involvement in starting, running, managing, and selling businesses.

In fact, Paul has started, financed, or helped run more than 21 different businesses in the past 15 years alone. That is more than most people do in their lifetime!

For the first time ever, Paul has agreed to tell the real story behind his businesses’ success.

Now, I have to warn you about something...

This new program that I’m going to tell you about comes straight from Paul’s heart. He holds nothing back.

Inside “The Entrepreneurial Challenge”, he will tell you all about his victories, successes, and wild profits... but he is also going to tell you about the failures and mistakes so that you can avoid those same pitfalls.

Why Is Paul Finally Sharing Business
Insights Worth Millions?

To understand why Paul has finally agreed to give you unlimited access to his most profound business insights, methods, and guiding philosophies, you need to understand Paul’s heart.

It was not long ago that Paul realized that one day his children would be grown and have to make choices about their future and how to provide for their families.

Paul is now 55 years old and has four children 4, 5, 7, and 8 years old. He told me that in 20 years, who knows if he will be around, but that is exactly when his children will need his business insights, knowledge, and experience the most.

So, he decided not to wait... he decided to tell everything that he knows now about making money and record it as heritage for his four children.

But Paul is now — and always has been — about doing things that will improve the world and society that he lives in. Because of this, he felt compelled to share this powerful information with you as well.

3 Stages of Entrepreneurship – Where Are You?

Paul realizes that each of you might be at different stages of entrepreneurship in your life. No matter what level you are, Paul has something invaluable for you...

  • New Entrepreneurs — Paul will help you find the right business that fits you perfectly. He will also show you what you need to do to get started and when the best time is to begin.
  • Existing Entrepreneurs — It is very likely that you have built your business on the “Ron Coase Model.” If so, you may have given up your freedoms unnecessarily. Paul will guide you in reorganizing so you can maximize your profits, survive in this tough economy, and gain your freedom in the process.
  • Intrepreneurs — You may have never heard this expression before, but it identifies savvy entrepreneurs who know how to apply their entrepreneurial thinking within their existing company. Paul will show you how to leverage your company’s resources, create partnership deals, and ensure that you never get fired... because you’ll be safely running your business within their businesss. A true win-win for both parties.

-From the Desk of Paul Zane Pilzer-

Why Being an Entrepreneur Could Be the Happiest Time of Your Life

As a successful entrepreneur, I owe a great deal of my success — and happiness — to my father.

See, when I was in college, I was pretty much anti-business. I used to say, “People don’t own businesses, businesses own people.”

And that was true for most people. It was certainly true for anyone who built a large Corporate America–type enterprise. I saw it firsthand.

Back then, my father was an entrepreneur running his own company.

As a child, I felt his business was some terrible place he disappeared to every morning... and often came back from too late at night to have dinner with the rest of the family.

When I was age 19-20, prior to going to Wharton Graduate Business School, I worked for my father. The sad truth is, I hated it and could not wait to get off to pursue my MBA.

To me, the family business was the absolute worst place in the world. Naive teenage rebellion, I suppose. It closed my eyes to what was really going on.

After a few years away from home... and after a little business experience in the “real world,” I realized that my experience before Wharton was the happiest time of my father’s life.

Much More Than Just Business

See, to my father, running his own business was not about making money... it was about working for his family... it was about being his own boss... it was about financial security and strength... and mostly, when his three boys worked for him, it was about teaching his children his ethics and values through his everyday actions.

Business to my father was about treating other people fairly, giving them value for their money, feeling the satisfaction and joy of a job well done, and most of all, training and developing new employees. Some of those things you just can't experience working at a nine-to-five job, stuck in a cubicle somewhere deep in Corporate America.

The lessons of entrepreneurship sank deep into me and have made me who I am today.

Passing It On to My Children

Now I face a similar situation with my family because I have four children, including three sons of my own.

I know that despite the great relationship I have with my sons and daughter, they’re probably never going to work for me. Such is life.

But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be working for themselves, and I suspect they will do that. So, I am doing all I can to pass on the values and ethics my father taught me.

Being an entrepreneur has so many different rewards. For me, one of the greatest satisfactions is having the freedom to work with the people you love and respect the most. In all of my business dealings, I’ve had the pleasure of picking the people I work with. Not everyone has that opportunity.

Solving the Greatest Entrepreneurial Challenge

But now, with this new program I've developed that solves the Entrepreneurial Challenge — how to start a business and successfully make it profitable — you have this same opportunity in your hands.

And you know what, as good as the money can be when you run your own business, the emotional rewards, the freedom of being your own boss, and the joys of working with the people you love and respect the most far transcend the money thing.

That is why I’m never happier than when I’m living the entrepreneural life. It is why I believe this will be the happiest time of your life as well.

To Your Success and Happiness,

Paul Zane Pilzer

10 Skills You Can’t Do Without to Be a
Successful Entrepreneur

Let me ask you this... what are the top 10 most valuable skills you’ll need to start a business and successfully create profits as an entrepreneur today?

Paul’s new program spells all this out for you. He goes into depth on all 10 of the entrepreneurial skills you’ll need, plus more.

The Entrepreneurial Challenge Program

For the next few minutes, I’d like to explore Paul’s complete program with you. It is unlike anything we’ve ever done here at Nightingale-Conant.

Unlike most programs that encourage you to buy into their program, Paul’s is designed to help you discover the very best business for you, personally, and then help you successfully start it and run it profitably... without losing an ounce of your personal freedoms.

Actually, it does just the opposite... it makes life more rewarding, brings greater satisfaction, and expands your lifestyle in ways that “Ron Coase Model”–based business can never deliver.

How is this possible?

It is possible because...

Paul will teach you how to start your first business based on “what you know” and “who you know” — versus starting over in a new and unknown field.

Here’s an outline that’s gives you a quick peek into Paul’s program and how each session will give you the power to be a successful entrepreneur:

  • ‘Driving the Bus’ : Why the New Economic Order Favors the Entrepreneur
    • Paul’s complete take on why the Crash of ’08 is part of the “cure” and not the “illness”
    • The many benefits of becoming an entrepreneur and taking control of your life
    • Why the most successful entrepreneurs plan their departure from the corporate world instead of being forced out
  • An Entrepreneur’s Vision of The Economy: The Unchanging Laws of Economic Alchemy
    • The wealth formula behind the main laws of alchemy W = P x T
    • The Six Laws of Economic Alchemy and how to apply them
    • As an intrepreneur, how you can apply the laws of alchemy to your internal organization
  • No Turning Back: The Entrepreneurial Mindset and Lifestyle
    • How to shift your mindset in making entrepreneurial decisions
    • How to deal with mental blocks you might have about making mistakes, fixing them, and then moving on having learned valuable insights
    • Why putting yourself in your customers’ shoes is crucial in becoming a successful entrepreneur
  • Ten Skills Any Entrepreneur Needs to Succeed
    • The 10 entrepreneurial skills you need to be successful and how to master them
    • Why it’s important for you to do an honest assessment of your skills and take the time to hone the ones you’re missing
    • How these 10 skills go beyond just being a successful entrepreneur
  • Ten Great Businesses That You Can Start Now
    • Why there’s no better time than now to start your business — particularly a B-to-B startup
    • How all of the 10 businesses help make it a better world by helping solve social issues
    • Why the easiest startup business for you utilizes your current skills and professional network
  • Social Entrepreneurship (or Entrepreneurs Will Save the World!)
    • How this new era of social entrepreneurship is redefining people’s paradigm on what it means to be a successful entrepreneur
    • How to find ways to make your business more socially committed
    • Why every social, environmental, and economic issue that exists in society can be cured through innovative moneymaking entrepreneurial ventures
  • Personal Financial Strategies for Entrepreneurs
    • How and why you need to get your own financial house in order prior to starting an entrepreneurial venture
    • Why you should never be embarrassed if you can’t pay a bill and what to do about it
    • Why it’s important to keep your eye on your customers’ credit standing
  • The Four Best Ways to Finance Your Business
    • How to get financed in an era of tight credit
    • How to solve your health insurance dilemma
    • Why it’s crucial to maintain sustainable growth in your business
  • Staying Healthy and Wise in Uncertain Times
    • Ways to live a healthy life in a chaotic and uncertain world
    • Why self-preservation is the key — you are the #1 asset to your entrepreneurial venture
    • Why emotional control is a crucial element in successfully running your business

Plus, a Complete Printed Workbook

And did I mention that not only do you get all of these sessions recorded on CD to hear over and over again... as many times as you want... you also get Paul’s Entrepreneurial Challenge Program Guidebook?

This guidebook goes beyond simply leading you through the audio sessions.

This guidebook also serves as a workbook to help you hone your skills and discover which business is right for you to get started with.

The 10 Best Businesses You Can Start RIGHT NOW

Each business can be started rapidly. Each is innovative. Each is unique. Each has a minimum annual profit potential of $500,000... some much, much more than that.

Remember, these businesses not only have the potential to make you wealthy, they are totally geared around social entrepreneurship — solving a social problem to make people ’s lives better.

In his new program, The Entrepreneurial Challenge, Paul will lead you through all the details and business plans on how you can make any of these profitable.

Let me restate that so you don’t miss it...

Inside The Entrepeneurial Challenge, Paul not only tells you what the 10 best businesses are to start right now, he...

  • Tells you why each business is so hot right now
  • Explains the reasons why each business has not been fully tapped yet
  • Outlines the exact profit margins you can expect and what some of the major expenses will be
  • Describes a complete business plan for you to follow so that you can get started making profits immeditately
  • Gives you an extensive pattern you can use right away to analyze any business idea. Even if one of these 10 businesses doesn’t appeal to you, then you’ll know exactly how to spot other perfect business opportunities that fit you personally better.

This report alone is worth well over $10,000 (in fact, one of Paul’s clients is going to be selling this report as a stand-alone product in the near future. You can have it today at a fraction of that price as part of this program.)

Here’s How You Can Get $10,000 of FREE Business Ideas
Included within Paul’s Program

Paul will give you just about every detail you need to get started. I have never, ever seen any other program that gives you this kind of business idea detail... let alone 10 of them.

But remember, the “10 Best Businesses to Start and Expand Now” are just part of the program. There’s much more in the guidebook to help you through all this... plus the audio portion of the program provides more examples and insights as well.

And despite all reasonable counsel to do otherwise, I’m not going to charge you an extra $5,000 or $10,000 for the 10 Best Business ideas and their respective plans.

Yes, I have no doubt that these business ideas and plans are worth $10,000 each... in fact they are worth much more, and, shortly, thousands of people will be paying that much to get their hands on this information.

But as I said before, for Paul it’s not JUST about the money... it’s equally about the satisfaction of seeing you and other entrepreneurs get the boost you need.

And charging $10,000 isn’t going to help make that happen for as many folks as Paul or I want to help. Because of that, we have teamed up to offer this information to you as a valued Nightingale-Conant customer before the rest of the country sees it.

Remember, Paul has been featured in the LA Times, New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and hundreds of other financial publications. He will have no problem getting plenty of publicity for his “10 Best Businesses to Start and Expand Now”... but you are getting the chance to own them... and use them well in advance.

It is Paul’s way of demonstrating “Social Entrepreneurship” and a way of putting his “money where his mouth is.” I invite you to take advantage of it today.

In Addition to the Famous Nightingale-Contant
Rock-Solid Money-Back Guarantee, You Have Paul’s Personal Promise of Satisfaction...

Over the past 35 years, Paul has started or taken public five companies himself... and helped hundreds of entrepreneurs just like you get started on their dream adventure.

In case you don’t know by now, he is very passionate about what he does and what he offers people like you.

But I realize you do have a bunch of choices out there today for advice on what to do with your life — especially when it comes to business. And I applaud your careful scrutiny in measuring any proposal.

Remember, I receive a constant bombardment of advice myself that I’m constantly wary of... constantly evaluating... looking under every stone.

But please, don’t wait for the pink slip to come your way. Start planning and taking action today.

Paul and I personally guarantee that you will be amazed with The Entrepeneurial Challenge. Inside you will find:

  • The 10 most valuable skills needed by entrepreneurs today
  • Detailed information on how to choose the best business opportunity, uniquely suited for you
  • Special insights on what it really takes to start a business today. This is no-holds-barred reality so you know exactly what you’re getting into
  • A detailed report on the “10 Best Businesses to Start and Expand Now,” including a complete pattern you can use to evaluate any business
  • Inside information on financing, running, managing, and growing your new business
  • Powerful counsel about how to take an existing business to the next level, including restructuring it and integrating new and future technologies to reduce or eliminate transaction costs and maximize your personal freedoms
  • Complete information on how to successfully become an “intrepreneur” by combining your company’s existing resources with your personal skills and abilities to create a powerful win-win situation that ensures that you never see a pink slip and make substantially more money than you could as a regular employee of the company
  • And so much more. In all, you’ll receive 6 CDs and a comprehensive printed Guidebook... everthing you need to fully participate in the coming “Entrepreneurial Golden Age.”

We promise that you’ll receive all of this (and more) and that you will find it easy to understand and simple to implement. If not, you can take full advantage of Nightingale-Conant’s powerful money-back guarantee and return the program for a full, cheerful refund. No questions asked.

That sounds more than fair, doesn’t it?

Become One of the 1.5 Million New Millionaires Who Will Be Created in Just the Next 18 Months

As someone with the entrepreneurial drive running through your veins, there’s absolutely no better time than right now to start your new entrepreneurial venture.

When most everyone else is still trying to find the “perfect job” inside of Corporate America, you can be taking action and living life on your own terms. Right now, you can be setting the foundation for a new life, full of happiness, freedom, and wealth.

Plus, I can’t think of a more rewarding and satisfying life than making the world a better place to live by putting Paul’s revolutionary “Social Entrepreneurship” to use right now.

And you’ll definitely become wealthy along the way. And by “wealthy,” you know I mean more than just money... that will happen naturally as you succeed.

Begin your journey right now, today. There has literally never been a better time. What is more, the window is open right now. Who knows what the future will hold?

Paul is sure that the window will be open for at least 18 months... but that means you need to get started today to take advantage of it.

So, begin today. Take action now. Begin your new life with Paul’s world-class counsel, insights, secrets, and wisdom.

To Your New Future,

Vic Conant

Vic Conant

P.S. Don’t forget you’ll get $10,000 worth of the “10 Best Businesses to Start and Expand Now” absolutely FREE. I already showed you one of the business plan outlines for the first business. And the other nine are included in the program at no additional charge.

You should be able to find a business in these 10 to start feeling passionate about. If not, use them to generate other creative ideas you might have to start up your own business. The sky is the limit.

So, take action now and take advantage of these trying times... because there’s no better entrepreneurial environment than what’s right here today.

Order The Entrepreneurial Challenge Program and I’ll take all your risk.

P.P.S. Remember, you really don’t have much choice in becoming an entrepreneur. Layoffs in the corporate world continue at a staggering pace. Don’t wait until the HR guy comes knocking on your door.

Do something about it right now and let me take all the risk when you order Paul’s program.

Don’t forget, with The Entrepreneurial Challenge Program you’ll receive:

  • The full-blown audio sessions recorded on 6 CDs to listen to at home, in your car, or in your corporate office
  • Paul’s comprehensive guidebook that not only leads you through all of the audio sessions, but also serves as a hands-on workbook to get you started step-by-step
  • The bonus section and insightful bonus CD on the “10 Best Businesses to Start and Expand Now.” This alone is worth $10,000.

So, you’ll have all the tools you need to make a dramatic change to your life when you become an entrepreneur.

Don’t delay; order today as the corporate layoff clock continues clicking.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m sure you have a few remaining questions about this program and your new life as an entrepreneur. I’ve decided to have Paul answer a few of the most common questions personally...

Q: If I’m already an entrepreneur and building a business, how can this program benefit me?

Paul: This program is not just dedicated to entrepreneur wannabes. The program can help inject more life into your current venture and help raise your success and satisfaction level. I’ve seen these principles work hundreds of times and have no reservations in recommending them to you.

Q: What If I’m excited about starting an entrepreneurial venture but still have my corporate job. How do you advise finding the time to get started without getting fired?

Paul: Well, if you’re serious about becoming an entrepreneur, you’re in the perfect place. Finding the time is easy: Once you realize that there are 168 hours in every week and your corporate job takes only 40-60 hours a week to complete. The only way to escape from where you are is to put in the extra time now. Of course, another option for you is to become an “intrepreneur.” Look around and find a way to be an entrepreneur within your corporate job. It is possible, and hundreds have successfully done it. I’ll show you exactly how inside my new program.

Q: What do you enjoy most about being an entrepreneur?

Paul: I love being an entrepreneur and doing what I call fixing the world, starting a company or helping others start a company that’s going to fix some problem in our society.

Q: Don’t you feel that new business ideas using the Internet are reaching their saturation point?

Paul: No, not even close. It’s amazing to me when I go industry by industry how Internet technology has not been applied yet in almost any way to traditional businesses where we spend most of our money.

Q: What kind of business do you recommend I go into right now?

Paul: I did not want to simply give you general theories about starting a business. If this truly is the best time to start a new business, then there must be hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities all around us. But the best one, which I will help you find, is probably based on “what you know” and “who you know.” To prove the fact, I pulled together the “10 Best Businesses to Start and Expand Now” and give them all to you in the program. Perhaps the most powerful thing I’ve done is show you the pattern of what to look for and how to analyze any business idea you come across. This makes your possibilities limitless.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Using Your Inner Guidance System By: Brian Tracy

You have incredible powers of mind and emotions that give you timely and accurate feedback in every area of your life.

In this newsletter, you learn how to "tune in" to yourself so you can make the right decision in every situation.

Using Your Inner Guidance System
We know that the body has a natural bias toward health and energy. It's designed to last for 100 years with proper care and maintenance. When something goes wrong with any part of our body, we experience it in the form of pain or discomfort of some kind.

We know that when our body is not functioning smoothly and painlessly, something is wrong, and we take action to correct it. We go to a doctor; we take pills; we undergo physical therapy, massage or chiropractic. We know that if we ignore pain or discomfort for any period of time, it could lead to something more serious.

How to Tell Right From Wrong
In the same sense, nature also gives us a way to tell emotionally what's right for us and what's wrong for us in life. Just as nature gives us physical pain to guide us to doing or not doing things in the physical realm, nature gives us emotional pain to guide us toward doing or not doing things in the emotional or mental realm. The wonderful thing is that you're constructed so that if you simply listen carefully to yourself-to your mind, your body and your emotions-and follow the guidance you're given, you can dramatically enhance the quality of your life.

Just as the natural physical state of your body is health and vitality, your natural emotional state is peace and happiness. Whenever you experience a deviation from peace and happiness, it's an indication that something is amiss. Something is wrong with what you're thinking, doing or saying. Your feeling of inner happiness is the best indicator you could ever have to tell you what you should be doing more of and what you should be doing less of.

The Messenger
Unhappiness is to your life as pain is to your body. It is sent as a messenger to tell you that what you're doing is wrong for you.

Very often, you'll suffer from what has been called "divine discontent." You'll feel fidgety and uneasy for a reason or reasons that are unclear to you. You'll be dissatisfied with the status quo. Sometimes, you'll be unable to sleep. Sometimes, you'll be angry or irritable. Very often, you'll get upset with things that have nothing to do with the real issue. You'll have a deep inner sense that something isn't as it should be, and you'll often feel like a fish on a hook, wriggling and squirming emotionally to get free.

Divine Discontent
And that is a good thing. Divine discontent always comes before a positive life change. If you were perfectly satisfied, you would never take any action to improve or change your circumstances. Only when you're dissatisfied for some reason do you have the inner motivation to engage in the outer behaviors that lead you onward and upward.

Listen to yourself. Trust your inner voice. Go with the flow of your own personality. Do the things that make you feel happy inside and you'll probably never make another mistake.

Action Exercises
Here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, listen to yourself and trust your own feelings. If there is a part of your life that causes you stress and unhappiness, resolve to deal with it.

Second, identify those areas of your life where you are dissatisfied or frustrated for any reason. What changes should you, could you make?

Third, remember that nature wants you to be happy, healthy, popular and prosperous. Any deviation from those conditions is a signal to you that action is necessary.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Who Are the Millionaires By: Brian Tracy

The way you think about money will determine how much of it you accumulate more than any other factor. Your attitude toward money affects your emotions and your motivations.

The Five Ways to Become a Millionaire
If you are really serious about becoming wealthy, you will want to know the five main ways that fortunes are made in this country. Number one, top of the list, top of the hit parade throughout the history of America, is self-owned businesses. It is entrepreneurship of all kinds, including in real estate. 74% of self-made millionaires in America, not only in this generation and in this century, but in the last century as well, come from self-owned businesses.

How Wealthy People Start Out
The great majority of wealthy people started businesses and built them from the ground up. In the 19th century, fortunes were built by people like Andrew Carnegie, Jacob van Astor, Thomas Edison, Commodore Vanderbilt, J. P. Morgan and others. In the 20th century, especially in the last few years, businesses and fortunes alike have been built by people like Bill Gates, Steve Case, Larry Ellison, Ross Perot and Sam Walton. Each of these people started with nothing and succeeded in building a business from scratch.

Become a Millionaire Where You Are
The second major source of self-made millionaires in America is senior executives. Ten percent of the self-made millionaires in America are men and women who have joined large corporations and worked with those corporations for many years. They rose to positions of seniority, were paid extremely well, given stock options, profit sharing and bon uses, and as a result of holding onto the money, they became millionaires.

Success Pays Big Rewards
Michael Eisner of Disney Corporation received a $126 million dollar bon us in a single year. Lee Iacoca of Chrysler Corporation was paid $26.7 million dollars as a bon us in a single year. It's not hard to become a self-made millionaire when you are making that kind of money.

The Professional Road to Wealth
The third source of self-made millionaires in America is doctors, lawyers and other professionals. Men and women who become very, very good at what they do and rise to the top of their professions are eventually paid, very, very well. The top five percent in every field earn 10 and 20 times as much as the average person in that field.

Sell Your Way to the Top
The fourth major source of self-made millionaires in America are salespeople and sales consultants. Fully five percent of self-made millionaires are men and women who are the top salespeople in their fields. They never started their own businesses. They never went to college or university to get professional degrees. They just became very good salespeople for their products or services and were paid very good money. The secret was that they then invested the money conservatively and held on to it. 99% of self-made millionaires come from these four categories: self-owned businesses - 74%; senior executive positions - 10%: doctors, lawyers and other professionals - 10%; and salespeople and sales consultants - 5%.

Other Ways to Get Rich
The final one percent of self-made millionaires is made up of all the people in all other areas. This one percent consists of people who have made their money by inventions, in show business, in sports, through authorship of books and songs, lottery winners and inheritances. But these people make up only one percent of the total. The bottom line is that there are so many ways for you to become a self-made millionaire that it is almost impossible for you not to achieve this goal if you are really serious about it.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to put this information into action as soon as possible:

First, decide what it is that you really enjoy doing and then throw your whole heart into doing it extremely well. There is a direct relationship between excellent performance and the kind of high income that leads to financial independence.

Second, be perfectly honest with yourself on an ongoing basis. Is what you are doing right now going to lead you to financial independence, or do you have to begin making some serious changes in your work and in your life? Whatever your answer, take action on it immediately.

The Case for Customer Partnerships - By Kevin Eikenberry

Customer partnership. Let's pull this phrase apart into the individual words:

Customer. This can be a person or organization who pays for your products and services. These external Customers are who most of consider when we think about Customers. But Customers can also be the person or group you deliver work to. These internal Customers exist for all of us (even if we are in sales!).
Customers, whether internal or external, are the most important people in your work.

Partnership. A partnership is an informal sharing of resources and results for the mutual benefit of both groups.

And now the full phrase:

A "Customer partnership" is an informal alliance or agreement that brings Customers and suppliers together in a more holistic way.

Many have a goal of satisfying or perhaps even delighting Customers, but the concept of a partnership moves beyond satisfaction, past delight and even beyond loyalty.

A Customer partnership is a situation where both parties feel they are working together towards goals that are greater and broader than in a "traditional" Customer/provider relationship.

Creating Customer partnerships, with external Customers and/or with internal Customers, pays great dividends. Here are 6 of those benefits:

Reduced cost. When you are in a closer relationship with your Customers and you understand their needs, you often find ways to cut costs for both of you. At a minimum, if you have developed a Customer partnership, there is no longer a need to invest "marketing" resources to maintain the Customer.

Greater speed. A partnership allows you to understand each other's needs better, affords the opportunity to build relationships with the people involved better, and deepens the trust between the groups. All of these lead to greater speed. This speed allows you to meet each other's needs better, create new solutions and, in many cases, can add to further reducing costs.

Higher quality. Better understanding of the needs of your partners, having deeper relationships and better communication all can lead to better quality of products, services and the processes that support the business relationship.

Personalized or customized service. Once you are working more closely with a Customer and really understand their needs, often you can provide services or processes they would never have even considered asking for! This emanates from the deeper understanding and empathy for the Customer's business and situation.

Less complex, easier work. In a partnership, often there are situations when the lines "Customer" and "supplier" are blurred or removed - maybe work processes can be further streamlined or tasks are shifted in time and location or any number of possibilities. The change in definition of the relationship can lead to new synergies and opportunities that might otherwise not have been considered.

Greater meaning. As a leader, you want employees that are committed to, and deeply care about, their work. When people feel more connected to and engaged in their work, they will be happier, healthier, and more successful. One of the best ways to create engagement is for people to see the purpose or meaning in their work. Customer partnerships can create that deeper purpose or meaning. When people begin to know their Customers not by a Customer or invoice number or just as "those people in manufacturing", but as people; when they have spent time with them, gotten to know their work, and like them, the definition of work changes. No longer are people simply processing the work or creating the campaign; they are helping Tom or Jill or working with their partner to help get the work done easier or more effectively.

In short, when we deepen relationships, we create greater meaning as a result.

This last item on the list is perhaps the least quantifiable but the most valuable reason for building Customer partnerships.

Whether your Customers are across the hall or halfway around the world, the effort to create partnerships is worth it. In fact, even if you don't realize benefits from any of the more tangible measures (but you will), the ability of partnerships to help create greater meaning for you and your team is reason enough to consider moving in that direction.

Potential Pointer: Customer satisfaction is a fine goal - but it has limitations. Consider the merits of moving far beyond a satisfied Customer to creating a partnership with them. It will take some effort to create these partnerships, but the benefits far outweigh the efforts required to create them.

About the Author:

Creating great Customer relationships, and even partnerships, starts with leadership. If you would like to get on a path to become a more effective leader, activate your free 2-month Silver Membership trial in Kevin Eikenberry's Remarkable Leadership Learning System. Kevin is an author, speaker, trainer, consultant and the Chief Potential Officer of the Kevin Eikenberry Group, a learning consulting company that helps organizations, teams and individuals unleash their leadership potential.